Thursday, October 01, 2009

Cross posted blog from I thought you might enjoy this.

As most of you can tell, this blog is not getting the most hits…actually it is doing very poorly. Occasionally, I receive some good comments from readers.

Someone please tell me why the character on the right has a calf longer than her entire arm and why the stripper’s uniform is necessary – skip the skimpy school uniform and get to business because obviously pedophilia is the underlying message in this craftily named School Days to avoid public attention while attracting all asian men of all shapes and sizes in a massive frenzied orgy gosh get a damn haircut before you fall over because of the imbalance caused by all that follicle crap THATS AN AWESOME BRIEFCASE I WANT THAT BRIEFCASE THE BROWN ONE NOT THE BLACK ONE so I can sell it for profit to a discerning bear and those stairs are sexy and compliment the fence 5/5!!!!!1!!!! go watch now before you get sober

Thanks for giving me some more content for my blog, anonymous.

1 comment:

Spcogg said...

i agree, that is a great comment. Damn why doesn't my blog get such good comments :\