Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Latinus non amo

i do not love latin. i somehow find it really hard recently. ESPECIALLY THE NEW UNSEEN BOOKLETS. like, wth? why are they suddenly so hard? i hate it! i am sick of tacitus as well.

I feel that our latin class is losing steam. we had a rather satisfying discussion for a whole period on the vices of a certain music captain - a pleasant change from the perceived vices of Nero that Tacitus likes to fixate on so much. Seriously, must he constantly infer things about Nero's blackened soul?

Then again, i suppose that Nero did have some traits that might cause people to dislike him. For example, people might be annoyed by his promiscuity. Or something. And they might think he was squandering Rome's money with his large parties (intended, of course, to turn Rome into Alexandria, since he was sulking about his inability to go to Egypt since he uh. went into Vesta's chamber and started trembling with fear. yes, just randomly. this was then taken as a bad omen, so that he then decided it was not a good idea) ummmm poor Tacitus, i must be interpreting him so terribly : ( i am sorry, great writer.

IB is fun.

1 comment:

rama said...

'we had a rather satisfying discussion for a whole period on the vices of a certain music captain'
