Friday, December 18, 2009

happy birthday wong

Currently at the residence of the Wongs. It is a castle-like manor/mansion on the Upper East Side, here in VCE-ville. Fun is to be had by playing cards/talking/drinking vodka (straight from the bottle I SAW YOU ****** [not wensi])/eating pizza/doing nothing/playing piano.

Excessive amounts of food fill this house. It is disturbing even for a food-obsessed girl such as myself.

Moving on from culinary delights of Wong's family...

I have been doing many wonderful things since returning from my eventless schoolies week. As you may have heard, very little of note occurred during my time in Sorrento, except that we were forced to pay large amounts of money as compensation for the "damages" we had inflicted on the lovely place we were staying at. Speech night was also fun, as were the preceding rehearsals. Weather has been fluctuating greatly, providing some excitement for us. VCE scores also came out. This was exciting for some, even those such as myself who do IB.

(RAMA GOT 99.95 WTH)

Yeah still can't get over it (neither can wensi) lol.

well well well. i thought i lost this post, but it seems that blogger has handily saved it. thank you, my friendly webpage!

So. It seems i shall not be here for a while, not that I have been on this blog much lately either. Apologies, my loyal fans. I would however encourage you to redirect your sights to Wensi's blog, where she seems to be writing cool nonfanfic. Other exciting things that have occurred lately are that i have discovered that I like Big Bang Theory (they were watching it at wong's house before everyone else turned up and started playing ssb, where sam kept beating vincent SORRYVINCENT) i think i may have provided too much information now so i shall stop.

(maths science history unravelling the mystery that all started with a big bang BANG!)

I also like Tina Fey.

ahem. goodbye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post deserved a comment so I'm commenting on it!